About Us

What you need to know about The IP Crew?

The IP Crew is an outcome of the vision of a group of technical experts dedicated in maximizing quality solutions in intellectual property. With a highly educated team of certified Indian Patent Agents, Patent and Market Analysts, we provide cost effective Patent solutions to Fortune 500 companies, AM100 Law Firms, attorneys and individual inventors.

Our processes are specially designed and tailored to provide patent protection, enforcement and IP commercialization which give our clients an edge in the market by incrementing their productivity and capabilities.

Our endeavor is to provide comprehensive and efficient services which are customer centric and simple.

Our Support System

Customer Support: The IP Crew has a Customer Support team, which is available for a direct on-call discussion / troubleshooting for 20 hours a day, 5 days a week. The Customer Support vertical synchronizes with the Business Development vertical for exploring new leads and business relations with existing as well as new potential clients. The overall Business team is backed up by a Marketing and Data Mining Team as well.

Operations Support: The IP CREW Operations team comprises of engineers having graduate & post graduate degrees as well as PhDs from Tier 1 institutes and Top Universities of India. Their technical qualifications include, but are not limited to, Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Sciences, Mechanical, Civil, Finance, Chemistry, Bio-Technology, Pharmacy and Aeronautical Engineering. Having close to 5 years of average industry experience, a sub-group of these engineers has / have worked under direct supervision of US and European Attorneys, providing them with full subject matter support during prosecution of patent applications as well as litigation cases. Another sub-group among these engineers, having worked with Research and Development Teams and IP Counsel of Fortune 100 companies, has developed specialized skills in preparing Landscapes for Technologies, managing and analyzing Patent Portfolios, Patent Mining, deduction and analysis of White Space and identification of Competitive threats.

Software Development Support: The IP Crew Operations team is also supported by an In-house Software Development Team, which incorporates customized requirements of clients into development, modification and updates of proprietary tools and macros.

Quality Policy

The IP Crew has always taken an uncompromising position in respect to quality. The IP Crew's Quality Management System is a complex set of engineering and managerial activities that ensures high quality of delivered Services through the entire workflow.

Our focus on the Comprehensive Conflict Check procedures & Personnel trained in Client Confidentiality by US Attorneys, This proactive approach allows you to reduce your Total Cost of Quality (TCOQ) and thereby, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

The IP Crew provides efficient, cost-effective solutions that stabilize or reduce your costs, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure regulatory compliance.

Quality Standards

  • To be a market leader by enhancing customer satisfaction
  • Improve the competence of employees by continuous training in their areas of work
  • Involve front line people to improve process of cross-training, development and gap analysis
  • Demonstrate commitment and compliance to the Quality Management System
  • Adopt new processes with least wastages in all the services being offered to Customers
  • Reduce wastages across the company by reducing cost of poor quality (COPQ) by 30% every year
  • Study variance of processes of each of our groups by using tools like Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Error
  • Conduct Management and Operational Analysis etc. and reduce the gap in variance

Information Security and Confidentiality

When clients partner with The IP Crew, they are seeking trust along with business processes. The IP Crew embraces the responsibility of upholding client confidentiality by implementing and assessing processes and taking controls to ensure security and integrity.

We have complete data communication and storage infrastructure, with secure dedicated servers. We are committed to safeguarding customer data during transmission, handling and processing.

Starting with training and education upon commencement of employment and in the form of periodic refresher courses, we ensure that our employees are well versed in all relevant topics related to client projects.

The IP Crew also institutes confidentiality and Non-Disclosure agreements, as well as thorough background checks of, all employees.

Client Oriented Work Engagement Models!